Pastoral Council

Serving the parish with vision, advice and expertise

The members of the parish council are an advisory body who are elected to serve terms from the parish at large. They share and work with the Pastor in the parish decision making process.

Members are:

  • Rev. Jason T. Doke, S.T.L, Pastor, 893-2923,
  • President: Benne, Jennifer (2024)
  • Vice President: Kuensting, Mariam (2023)
  • Secretary: Brand, Denise (2024)
  • Clingman, Dwayne (2024)
  • McMichael-Schwant, Kristina (2026)
  • Schulte, Ann (2024)
  • Vocks, Chad (2026)
  • Butel, Francis - Deacon
  • Jones, Brad – Deacon
  • Kliethermes, Steve – Deacon
  • Clingman, Julie – School Principal
  • Anthony, Colin - School Advisory Council President

Approved Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes:

Joining the Pastoral Council

The Parish Council consists of 12 members who provide leadership and serve as an advisory body to the pastor. Mindful of the spiritual and routine needs of the parish, Council members routinely prioritize identified parish needs and set goals, objectives and policies to meet those needs. Elected members are responsible for attending monthly Council meetings and actively participating in the Council activities. Most members will also be assigned to a Commission and will also be responsible for attending those meetings.

Number of members: 12 elected members, plus the pastor, deacon(s), pastoral minister, school principal and School Board President.

Length of term: Three years

Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of every quarter at 7 p.m.

Members may also be chosen to represent the Council at Commission meetings which are scheduled during the odd numbered months.